Changing the way we face social issues

3 min readFeb 7, 2021

We all want to world to be a better place to live in, but are we contributing towards it?

Image courtesy: Pinterest

What prompted me to write such a blog?

There have been many instances in my life where I wasn’t sure of how to act, what should be my modus operandi? Should I just sit back and let the events unfold on their own pace or should I take the matter into my hands? There is one thing that I have learnt,

Never ever let go of what you believe in and don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself

So how exactly are we supposed to handle such issues? Read on…

STEP 1________________________________________

ACKNOWLEDGE: The very first step when you are dealing with a problem is acknowledging that there is something wrong with it. Sometimes, we wish the situation had been better when we can’t even acknowledge that there is something wrong with the current scenario. Take the topic of feminism for example, we can’t have gender equality if we can’t even acknowledge that there has been a problem of patriarchy for centuries. As long as we are comfortable ignoring it, we don’t realize there is something wrong with it that we have to make better. So my no. 1 advice is,

Whenever you feel like there is something wrong going on, before acting, atleast have the courage to acknowledge that there has ,indeed, been something wrong going on

STEP 2________________________________________

IDENTIFY: The next step after acknowledging is to identify what exactly is wrong with the current environment. Is this the illogical way of thinking? Is it because there is lack of knowledge on the issue? Is this because the people aren’t willing to work on it? Try and identify the core issue ,however harsh you think it is. If you can’t possibly find out what prompts the people to act a certain way, you will never be able to make them act some other way…

Remember, before you fight ,you must be clear about what you are fighting for and if it is something you actually believe in, otherwise, you are not fighting , you are just planning your own defeat.

STEP 3________________________________________

ADDRESS: After you have finally identified what is exactly wrong with the current situation, now is the time to address it properly. Whether you take matter in your own hands or share this with a person in authority, YOU MUST ACT. There is no alternative for this.

Suppose you are facing issues at your workplace, I always suggest to go for the authority first because they are the ones who can handle almost all of the issues pretty well .But it so happens that sometimes even they don’t try to help you out. What to do then? SPEAK UP, ALWAYS! You might not be the only one who is dealing with the same problem and given the vast amount of technology and social media, it is easy enough to make others notice what you are facing.

STEP 4__________________

FIGHT ON: The final and ,apparently, the toughest part is fighting for what you believe in. You have spoken up but they haven’t heard, what now? Don’t ever deter from your point of view. If you keep nudging, they are bound to notice one day .Success comes to those who have to courage to be persistent.





17-Indian-Law Aspirant-Potterhead-serious bookworm-