I am feeling down

4 min readMar 15, 2021

and here’s why…

Did you ever have the feeling that something is wrong with your life and you can’t just seem to point it out? Like two days ago, everything was fine, even great. I was focused on self development and working so hard . But something just didn’t feel right with the way I was functioning.

I had just read the book, ‘The 5-AM Club’ and needless to say, engulfed in post-reading euphoria (totally my creation) I decided to wake up at 5-AM. It went well for a few days, I would wake up, follow the 20–20–20 rule and everything was fine. But later in the days ,I still felt down, more so than usual. Until I finally found out what was wrong.

Though I was dedicating the first hour of my day to self development, I could not ignore social media for long and one of the worst decision of my life has been- starting to use twitter.

Girl using her phone
Image source: google

Now, having said that, I have no hate for the app itself but for the environment of hate it offers, specially in countries like India , where religion is people’s everything and being a feminist has become more of a slur, thanks to some uninformed ladies .Yes, ladies!

I used twitter for like 30–40 minutes a day and mostly criticized the current government, though I am not going to elaborate on the topic and reasons here . At the start , I wasn’t getting much attention but the day I called on the deformities in our religion, Hinduism, I faced so much backlash that I contemplated on deleting the tweet, only that I wasn’t willing to be one of those people who bent down on public demand.

So, I continued posting like before and the same sort of tweets that never attracted a lot of viewers were now getting hatred, some even questioning if I even belonged to the religion that I claimed or was just faking it for the sake of politics. They even went on to call me a b*tch and a sl*t of sorts. That was the last time I viewed their tweets as I blocked and reported them.

So , what did I learn from the experience? I am willing to share it all with you guys!

My top 5 pieces of advice to all the social media users out there

A caption of my personal twitter profile
caption of my personal twitter profile
  1. Never ever let the social media control you life. It’s called being aware to be connected to the world and know what’s happening but sadly, so much of the outer world and you will lose your inner peace to the point where it is too much unhealthy.
  2. Instead of fighting trolls, just ignore them or , if they make you a tad bit too uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to call them out in public or even report them.
  3. Don’t spend more than 15 mins on social media each day. Period. however if your work somehow requires you to be engaged, make sure to steer clear of such negative comments and don’t let them get you down. Although, my personal goals are just 60 mins, per week. That’s it!
  4. Focus on personal improvement more than social media. Read more books, workout more often and longer, listen to podcasts, practice self care and give time to yourself.
  5. If you need to use social media almost every day for some unknown personal reasons, may sure to keep it at the end of the day, but before you start your night routine so that it doesn’t affect your day and you can cool down before going to get your beauty sleep. My ideal time is around somewhere between 7:30 and 8 PM, when you are free of any rush and are atleast an hour or two away from your bedtime(I said ATLEAST)

The only thing that is left to say that we all know how social media can ruin our lives, so it’s better if we start right now. Don’t just plan , take the steps! I deleted my instagram account to find real peace and might delete the one on twitter if I have to. Don’t be afraid of the change, if you are positive it’s a good one, the results are always much more beautiful.

And lastly, I haven’t edited this blog or anything , it was just a rough-thingy. So, pardon me for any mistake or such. I just wanted to share the thoughts before my mind cooled down .Hope you all gained something from it.Until next time, bye lovelies!




17-Indian-Law Aspirant-Potterhead-serious bookworm-